God is a Scottish Drag Queen: The Second Coming

Mike Delamont

Company website

From award winning comedian Mike Delamont comes an all new hour long tour de force with everyones favorite deity. You dont have to have seen the first chapter to enjoy watching God take the stage to rage and complain about all things human and divine. In this chapter God will skewer everything from the Mormans and Scientologists to Noah and Moses. After it's sold out premiere run on the west coast, CVV Magazine has said that this show is “even better than the original... there is a reason that this show sold out in mere minutes.”

Triple-packs are available if you'd like to see all three shows (God is a Scottish Drag Queen, God is a Scottish Drag Queen: The Second Coming, Husky Panda) by Mike Delamont in a single sitting. For tickets to all 3 shows on Friday November 16th, click here. For tickets to all 3 shows on Saturday November 17th, click here.


  • Thursday 15 November 2012 / 20:00
  • Friday 16 November 2012 / 21:00
  • Saturday 17 November 2012 / 21:00

60 minutes
Pas de retardataires / No latecomers

Coming Soon

INSIDE MADPOETIX STUDIO is revolutionizing our Soirées Intimes Series by allowing the audience to get to know the feature performer through an interview during the show live. The artist will be interviewed by our host Kym Dominique Ferguson @Mrkdferguson. This is a one of a kind experience. There will be 8 Open Mic spots available for all genres: spoken word, poetry, comedy, singers, clowns, dancers, you name it we welcome it. They are each given a 5 min timeslot.

"Tango in fusion est une œuvre qui combine l’art du tango avec différents styles de danse. Ceux-ci permettent de visualiser par le mouvement et la dramaturgie, certains conflits socioculturels et émotionnels auxquels nous sommes tous confrontés.

Les artistes de tango in fusion s’expriment à travers d’histoires personnelles une extase de la danse du tango dans son essence. Ce qui permet aussi avec la diversité des autres types de mouvements et musique. une connexion avec le spectateur afin de visualiser et briser différents stéréotypes socioculturels."

The Creator of the Universe is coming to Montréal for the first time ever! God takes the stage in the form of Montréal actor Donald Rees in An Act of God: the divinely funny, critically acclaimed Broadway hit play by David Javerbaum, in which God and His devoted angels answer the deepest questions that have plagued mankind since creation.