
Base, Common & Popular

Shakespeare's great tale of unbridled ambition, lust, greed and fear! Spurred on by dark prophecies and twisted love, Macbeth and his Lady reach for the crown of Scotland, by any means necessary. Absolute power will absolutely corrupt!

Poussés par de mystérieuses prédictions et une ambition démesurée, Macbeth et sa dame ne reculent devant rien pour s'emparer de la couronne d'Ecosse mais leur victoire sera leur perte. Le classique de William Shakespeare sur le prix à payer quand le pouvoir absolu corrompt absolument tout.

April 30th at 8PM

Tickets are only available at the door on April 30th at 7PM


  • Thursday 30 April 2015 / 20:00

145 minutes
Pour âges / For ages 16+
Retardataires / Latecomers : 10 minutes

Coming Soon

What if you entered an empty rehearsal hall and suddenly an audience appears? Joseph Ste-Marie brings his experimental scripted/improvised one-man show, This Show is Broken back to the stage! This remount blends the 2021 Digital Theatre production from the Montreal FRINGE Festival and the original 2015 production at the 2nd annual Shortstanding Festival. Ste-Marie must perform his show as he explores his life, struggles, missteps, and tries to show that it’s not too late to pursue your dreams…. However, Joseph is challenged to be honest with himself so his show can be authentic as possible without being blinded by ambition.

The Creator of the Universe is coming to Montréal for the first time ever! God takes the stage in the form of Montréal actor Donald Rees in An Act of God: the divinely funny, critically acclaimed Broadway hit play by David Javerbaum, in which God and His devoted angels answer the deepest questions that have plagued mankind since creation.

INSIDE MADPOETIX STUDIO is revolutionizing our Soirées Intimes Series by allowing the audience to get to know the feature performer through an interview during the show live. The artist will be interviewed by our host Kym Dominique Ferguson @Mrkdferguson. This is a one of a kind experience. There will be 8 Open Mic spots available for all genres: spoken word, poetry, comedy, singers, clowns, dancers, you name it we welcome it. They are each given a 5 min timeslot.