Festival Bouge d'ici Dance Festival

Bouge d'ici

Company website

The Bouge d'ici festival celebrates Montréal based dance in January 2015. Various events are taking place throughout the week, including a run of the Common Space/L'Espace Commun showcase, the famous Cabaret Bouge d'ici, Cinédanse Bouge d'ici and dance-related workshops.

Le festival Bouge d'ici célèbrera la communauté de danse montréalaise en janvier 2015. Plusieurs événements se dérouleront au courant de la semaine, dont des représentations de l’Espace Commun/Common Space, le fameux Cabaret Bouge d’ici, Cinédanse Bouge d'ici et des ateliers sur le thème de la danse.


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Your tax-deductible donation of $20 or more supports our continued efforts to offer you a variety of original programming and to continue offering affordable rental rates tor up-and-coming independent theatre companies.

Votre don déductible d'impôt de 20 $ ou plus nous permettra de continuer à vous offrir une programmation variée et de continuer à offrir des frais de location abordables aux artistes émergents.

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  • Mercredi 7 Janvier 2015 (Toute la journée)

90 minutes
Pour âges / For ages 8+
Retardataires / Latecomers : 90 minutes

Coming Soon

The Variations Mile End dancers perform an original choreographed performance using The wizard of oz as inspiration!

The Creator of the Universe is coming to Montréal for the first time ever! God takes the stage in the form of Montréal actor Donald Rees in An Act of God: the divinely funny, critically acclaimed Broadway hit play by David Javerbaum, in which God and His devoted angels answer the deepest questions that have plagued mankind since creation.