Let's Do This: Get Over It!

Bloody Underrated

Another month, another ridiculous comedy show! Al Lafrance & DeAnne Smith are happy to team up for yet another edition of Let's Do This!, the most impulsive comedy show in Montreal. In previous editions, we've had everyone slow-dance to Phil Collins, we've stormed out of the theatre while chanting "Humans", we've taken over Cinéma L'amour briefly, and we've all taken our pants off. So who knows what this edition will bring?

This show featuring Stephen Trepanier, Al Lafrance, DeAnne Smith, and many more!


  • Mercredi 30 Avril 2014 / 21:00

90 minutes
Retardataires / Latecomers : 90 minutes

Coming Soon

Nous avons rassemblé une sélection exaltante de prix, dont plusieurs proviennent de vos restaurants, magasins de vêtements et salles montréalaises préférées. Venez prendre un verre, profitez de la compagnie des amis·es du Fringe et aidez-nous à recueillir des fonds pour présenter l'édition de cette année du FringeMTL.

Join us at the first FringeMTL social event of the season. We've collected an exciting selection of prizes! Come out for a drink, enjoy the company of Fringe Friends and help us raise money to present this year's edition of FringeMTL.

Confabulation Montreal presents: “Food Fights — Stories of family traditions, minced words and soul food.”