FringeMTL: Spectrums: An Attempt at Autistic Theatre

Fictionarian Theatre

Company website


Meltdowns, diagrams, textures, vampires... what is it like to be autistic? And is it possible to convey that experience to others? There's only one way to find out: by trying, for better or for worse.



Générale / Regular : 7.00$

35 minutes
Pour âges / For ages 16+
Retardataires / Latecomers : 5 minutes

Coming Soon

Spookily accurate (if bonkers) audience readings, 70s team games and prizes! Embrace the mystical mystery of The Singing Psychic as she "reads" the songs in your heart in this Edinburgh and Adelaide Fringe sell-out show. ’Completely bonkers in a good way' ★★★★★ ( 'A gloriously entertaining night out' ★★★★ (

Playwright & Director: Marysia Trembecka

Designer: Martin Butterworth

From London, UK

Canadian Premiere

Les Bestioles est un spectacle de danse inspiré par le voyage de la jeune Lucie dans le jardin de sa grand-mère, l’amenant à découvrir un monde rempli de petites bêtes jusqu’alors inconnues à ses yeux. Elle assiste à l’expression de ces bestioles et à leur transformation.

3x JFL Award-winner Al Lafrance returns with a new show, featuring tales allegedly involving missed connections, re-imagined junk mail, human-flavoured burritos, loneliness, and lies. Oops, did I say lies? I meant truths. Yep. For sure.