Another Comedy Show, with David Heti

Sasha Manoli & David Heti

Back in town for reasons unrelated to the Show but with an evening free and with nothing better to do. From all the cities and comedy festivals and clubs which ought to mean nothing to nobody comes a performance of commensurate quality.

The one guy who said that DAVID HETI's performance was surreal was way off the mark. Most recently a woman had a seizure at one of his shows and he kept on going and making them laugh until it just felt like the whole effect of the show had fallen away.

With, for different reasons, both semi - and undoubtedly special guests: MORGAN O'SHEA & STEVIE SPINOLA.

[His combination of] vile, smart, dangerous material delivered by a nebbish nerd is devastatingly original.

He has a way with words and a brilliant mind. –

Tickets $7
Doors 7:30pm, Showtime 8:00pm
Mainline Theatre


  • Thursday 21 February 2013 / 20:00

Pas de retardataires / No latecomers

Coming Soon

Les Bestioles est un spectacle de danse inspiré par le voyage de la jeune Lucie dans le jardin de sa grand-mère, l’amenant à découvrir un monde rempli de petites bêtes jusqu’alors inconnues à ses yeux. Elle assiste à l’expression de ces bestioles et à leur transformation.

WARNING: There may be nudity in this show.

This game show is played a lot like strip poker, but it's a spelling bee, and it's played in front of a live audience of hooters, hollerers and hecklers who want to see some smart and sexy skin!

Director: Joe Catman

Co-host: La Regulatrice

From Montreal, QC

Meltdowns, diagrams, textures, vampires... what is it like to be autistic? And is it possible to convey that experience to others? There's only one way to find out: by trying, for better or for worse.