Montreal Slowdance #FRINGEBUZZ

Chat Perdu Productions

Avec des danseuses et danseurs désignés pour les timides et un livret de cartes de danse pour planifier des danses (en option), la soirée Slowdance, c’est des slows toute la soirée !

With Designated Dancers for the shy, and a Dancecard-Booklet to set up dances in advance (optional), Slowdance has all slow songs, all night long!
Lip-Schtick: Lip Sync Battle #FRINGEBUZZ
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Robin Henderson Productions
Robin Henderson, de Dance Animal, présente Lip-Schtick, une bataille de lip-sync humoristique. Huit comédiens, trois rondes, un gagnant. Des artistes invités se produiront entre les rondes. C’est pas du p’tit lip-sync à la karaoké, là.

Dance Animal’s Robin Henderson presents Lip-Schtick, a comedic lip-sync battle. Eight comedians, three rounds one winner. Featuring guest artists between rounds. This ain’t no lip-sync karaoke.

REG. $10 + $2 (Tax & SVC)

Cet évènement fait parti du Festival St-Ambroise FRINGE de Montréal 2016
This Event is apart of the 2016 St-Ambroise Montreal FRINGE Festival.

Les billets peuvent être achetés sur / Tickets can be purchased at



  • Friday 3 June 2016 / 22:00

300 minutes
Pour âges / For ages 18+
Retardataires / Latecomers : 300 minutes

Coming Soon

The Variations Mile End dancers perform an original choreographed performance using The wizard of oz as inspiration!

What if you entered an empty rehearsal hall and suddenly an audience appears? Joseph Ste-Marie brings his experimental scripted/improvised one-man show, This Show is Broken back to the stage! This remount blends the 2021 Digital Theatre production from the Montreal FRINGE Festival and the original 2015 production at the 2nd annual Shortstanding Festival. Ste-Marie must perform his show as he explores his life, struggles, missteps, and tries to show that it’s not too late to pursue your dreams…. However, Joseph is challenged to be honest with himself so his show can be authentic as possible without being blinded by ambition.

Lancez votre été en travaillant au Festival Fringe de Montréal.

Launch your summer by working at the Montreal Fringe Festival.