Frank Sharp Productions presents four consecutive nights of Music, Theatre, Comedy and Drama featuring a remount of “3ase”, Loose Cannon’s “A Sketch Show”, Erin Eldershaw's “Cue: Motherhood”; each ending with dancing to original music from “Dragged Over Coals”.
Come laugh, cry, sci-fi and dance away a cold November night with a truly unique evening of entertainment.
"Erin Eldershaw appears with the permission of Equity."
Wednesday: 3ase (opens), Loose Cannons (Headlines), Live Band (Closes)
Thursday: 3ase (opens), Cue: Motherhood (Headlines), Live Band (Closes)
Friday: Loose Cannons (opens), 3ase (Headlines), Live Band (Closes)
Saturday: Cue: Motherhood (opens), 3ase (Headlines), Live Band (Closes)